Become a monthly sustaining member

Planting at Fairview

Your generous donation helps support and grow Boston's urban forest as a tool to build stronger, healthier, and greener neighborhoods. Together we can build a connected urban forest in Boston with cooler and cleaner air and safer neighborhoods that provides economic, health, and social benefits for all residents.

If you prefer to make a one-time donation, click here.




$5 / month
Early bird selection of 2 seedlings during our ArborWeek tree seedling distribution.
$25 / month

Everything above AND receive a copy of Old Growth: The Best Writing About Trees From Orion.

Act quick, supplies are limited!

$50 / month

Everything above AND a Speak for the Trees winter hat.


$100 / month
Everything above AND receive early notification of volunteer opportunities.
$250 / month
Everything above AND a personalized tree walk with Speak for the Trees staff.
Become a member!
Monthly donation
Total Amount
Info about you

If you'd like to have your name listed differently in our annual report than what you've included, feel free to enter that name in the space above. This might include including a partner, a family, or an alternate spelling.

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Our newsletter comes out every 2 weeks and is includes updates about our work, events, and staff.